Designing the future, step by step.

We offer product development services and effectively respond to design challenges that may occur at any stage of the design process, with the express purpose of enabling brands to successfully materialize their visions and tap into the future. 

Whether it is a conducted research, concept sketch, 3D model design, or a product prototype, our team consistently delivers market-defining results, while establishing everlasting connections between brands and consumers.

Milos Milivojevic


Nikola Milivojevic

Project manager + Sales

Shafeek Akil

Product manager

Vojin Jovanovic

Visual Identity Designer

Konstantinos Liontos

Lead Mechanical engineer

Shimraan M.R.

Lead Electrical engineer

Ognjen Docic

Lead Industrial designer

We are an industrial design, engineering and prototyping company.

It introduces a rather innovative and balanced design with the express purpose of creating meaningful experiences and establishing connections between brands and consumers. A thorough understanding of the core product values is our team’s primary focus. The products are not only envisioned to be unconventional and arresting in their design but also personalized to accommodate clients’ individual preferences. Furthermore, great emphasis is placed on the importance of fruitful communication with clients, and the ideas are carefully developed according to clients’ needs.